Monday, August 15, 2011

Secondhand book stores in demand? 古本屋が流行る?

A nationwide bookstore chain, Borders, went into bankruptcy in July. For more than 10 years, our family members have been going to the Borders store in Germantown which is a short 5-minute walk from our home. Now, everything is on liquidation sale including books, DVDs, CDs, and even bookshelves used in the store. Prices of goods are discounted 20-50% and further discounting is expected. The bookshelves are floor to the ceiling in height and about 27 feet in width.  The price is only 100 dollars. Such large bookshelves can only be installed in limited places like bookstores, libraries, and laboratories of universities. 
I understand paper books do not sell very well any more.  However, people, especially elder people including me, still love them. I wonder whether secondhand book stores will be more in demand in the future. If so, it may be a good business to buy these bookshelves.

7月に全米チェーンのBorders Bookstoreが倒産して、近所の店でも閉店セールをやっている。この店は家から徒歩5分でもう10年以上通っている。閉店セールでは、本やDVDCDはもとより商売用の本棚すら売りに出されている。今は商品は2050%引きになっているが、さらに値下げされると思う。本棚は床から天井まで届くようなサイズ(幅は約3 m)で僅か100ドルである。こういう大きいものは、本屋とか図書館、あるいは大学の研究室のようなところでしか使い道がない。
紙の本が売れなくなっているのは理解できるが、特に私を含めた年配の人達は紙の本が大好きである。  これから古本屋が流行るようになるのだろうか? もしそうならこの本棚を買っておくのも良いかなと思う。

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tadao Ando’s Promenade 安藤忠雄のプロムナード

The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (2,002) is one of a few buildings designed by Tadao Ando in the United States.
Though Ando’s exposed cast-in-place concrete method is famous, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is unique in its magnificent exterior with glass and steel. This work is a little bit larger in scale than most Ando’s works. It is composed of the main building accommodating an exhibition space and the museum office and 3 exhibition buildings. At the eastern edge of each of the 3 exhibition buildings, there is a Y-shaped steel supporting column emerging from a pond. These 3 columns create “a rhythm” for the whole building. All the exhibition spaces are two-storied and connected at each level so that people can walk continuously from the main building through the third exhibition building.
When people reach the deepest part of the exhibition space on the second floor, they can come back through the narrow corridor located at the west edge penetrating all the buildings. Here, small exhibition rooms are installed along the corridor in each building. As observers walk, they see paintings in an exhibition room, and then walk along the corridor to the next small room. Again they see paintings and walk again. This unique design let people experience “seeing” and “walking” alternately, thus providing “a rhythm" to the observers.
This rhythmic experience reminded me of “Pictures at an Exhibition (1874)” by Modest Mussorgsky. Yes, this walking is the “Promenade”.         
(I visited Fort Worth in October, 2010.)
